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  英语作文250字左右随笔【第一篇】:About Animal

  Animal is part of the nature。 If they die out from the earth, then human being won’t live long, either。 We have been always educated to treat pets as our friends and there are so many touching stories between pets and their masters, but some people are cold blooded and kill animals for their selfish reasons。


  Recently, it has been reported that a woman killed a pet dog because of her unsatisfactory desire of the money from the owner。 The woman picked up a lost pet dog and she saw the owner’s notice, then she asked for money to return this dog and the owner agreed to give her some money, but she found the money was so little that she decided to kill this lovely creature。


  Soon the news spread out and the public was shocked by this greedy woman。 An ordinary person will return the dog by not asking for anything。 If some people ask for it, the owner will give some, but killing the animal is the unacceptable behavior。 Animals are our friends and we have the duty to love and protect them。


  英语作文250字左右随笔【第二篇】:My Hometown

  I live in my hometown for many years before I move to the city。 I miss the days when I stay in the countryside。 I can see the blue sky and the green trees all the time。 Especially the green mountains, they make the world look so lively。 Though many years ago people cut down the trees, the green is back to people’s life again with help of the government。


  英语作文250字左右随笔【第三篇】:The Most Difficult Language to Learn

  In China, a lot of people complain that English is so difficult to learn。 They even spend a lot of time to study grammar, still can’t speak English fluently。 But as China becomes stronger, more and more foreigners start to learn mandarin。 Chinese and English are in the different language family, so the foreigners struggle to learn mandarin, and most people give up after a few days’ learning。 For some who can speak a little, they complain that Chinese is the most difficult language to learn。 There are four tones and it is hard for them to figure out。 But there are still some foreigners learn Chinese so well。 Therefore, if they can do it well, why don’t we complain。 All we need to do is to keep practicing and find the best way to master another language。


  英语作文250字左右随笔【第四篇】:About Impolite Behaviors

  We have seen many news about how rude Chinese tourists were, such as throwing away rubbish at will, jumping the queue or speaking loudly in public。 The media from home and abroad always spread the negative information about Chinese tourists, while it is just small part, not presenting the truth。


  I have been to many foreign countries。 Everytime before I started my journey, I told myself to be polite and well behaved and I made it。 But I found that many bad behaviors happened among foreigners, whom we used to believed the most polite people in the world。 They jumped the queue and spoke loudly in the public。 So it is not fair to criticize Chinese tourists all the time。


  It is true that some Chinese tourists don’t realize their bad behaviors, but now, most people behave themselves well and act very politely。 When we see the negative information, there is no need to self-denial, as it happens in every country。 We are happy to see that the young generation is spread the positive image to the world。


  英语作文250字左右随笔【第五篇】:Who Steal Your Dream

  A person is easy to feel down when he meets difficulty。 The dream he chased seems to be stolen, because it is so hard to realize。 Actually, fate is at our hand, and we are the designers of our future。 Since we are young, we have time and energy to make up for the wrong decision, it will help us be stronger。


夜,悄悄地来了。  一切事物都停止了生长,睡着了。但这世间的一切都是极美的,虽然已经睡了,但还是有一种恬静的美。  我走出了家门,出去溜一溜,却在无意中发现了夜晚的美丽。  瞧那夜晚的天空,是深蓝色的,并不像白天的天空,只有一层薄薄的蓝。。它就像一匹质地很好的绸缎,仿佛让人摸到它就如摸到绸样,凉学生随笔 > 初中随笔
励志高中随笔【第一篇】:做行动的巨人  高三就是每天不断的解题,背书,就这样一直循环、循环、循环,桌上、桌下上总是堆着会让我打瞌睡的经书。即使如此,相比高一高二的生活,我觉得现在变得很充实。  有目标,做行动的巨人(老师经常这样说)。当然这也是我刚进入高三学堂时,那副信心勃勃的样子。没过多久我便学生随笔 > 高中随笔
八年级暑假随笔【第一篇】:  最近这段时间,许多人都在说着社会主义核心价值观“富强,民主,文明,和谐;自由,平等,公正;法治,爱国,敬业,诚信,友善”这二十四个字。可是我发现这其中的“友善”在社会中并不多见。  早晨,我匆匆挤上公交车后,突然一股臭味扑鼻而来,我赶紧用衣服捂住鼻子,环顾四周,发现学生随笔 > 暑假随笔
或许暑假的足迹已经远去抑或是来临,那么,你有什么话想说呢?以下就是来自随笔网小编为大家整理的小学生暑假随笔100字大全,欢迎阅读和借鉴。  小学生暑假随笔100字大全【第一篇】:暑假  暑假一词拆开来不就是夏天的假期嘛!  可,暑假是学生们心中真正的暑假吗?在我看来现代学生的书假都是“变质”的学生随笔 > 暑假随笔
我眼中的庄子随笔【第一篇】:我眼中的庄子  一位须发皆白的老者,在斜阳晚照下的河边悠然的摆弄着他的鱼竿。  有经邦济世之才,虚怀若谷之量的他抛弃了那个时代。他义无反顾的选择属于他的人生。不与世俗争名利,只在深山求逍遥。楚王的盛情相邀只换来他的淡然谢绝。他是一向视权贵如腐鼠的,在他眼里,窃国者诸侯学生随笔 > 随笔作文
用英语写作文,无疑是一种重大挑战,以下就是来自随笔网小编为大家整理的英语作文250字左右随笔,欢迎阅读和借鉴。  英语作文250字左右随笔【第一篇】:About Animal  Animal is part of the nature。 If they die out from the ear学生随笔 > 随笔作文
成长的过程中我们总是要面临各种别离,分别的时刻总是那么感伤。以下是随笔网小编为大家整理的今日随笔小学毕业,欢迎阅读。  今日随笔小学毕业【第一篇】:毕业了  当凤凰花开,就是我们即将毕业的时候,手里拿着毕业证书,回头一望校园,始终没有改变,和我一年级入学时一样美丽、可爱,不一样的是我们,改变的也学生随笔 > 小学随笔
看着雨淅淅沥沥洒下来,是不是有一种别样的情愫横生,以下就是来自随笔网小编为大家整理的初一随笔夏天的雨300字,欢迎阅读和借鉴。  初一随笔夏天的雨300字【第一篇】:夏天的雨  “淅沥沥,淅沥沥”天空弹奏着一首美妙的旋律,多么清脆,多么悦耳。 夏天的雨,细如线,粗如麻。  当下着细细的雨丝时,大生活随笔 > 随笔300字
以下就是来自随笔网小编为大家整理的描写夏天的随笔300字初中作文,欢迎阅读和借鉴。  描写夏天的随笔300字初中作文【第一篇】:夏天  夏天是一个多变的季节。  它很美,荷花池里的荷花亭亭玉立地站在水面上,有的含苞欲放;农村里绿树成荫,树叶非常茂盛,人们在树下说说笑笑,孩子们有的在做游戏,有的在生活随笔 > 随笔300字
阳光随笔400字【一】:拥有阳光40  一朝破晓天际,万丈光芒平地起。阳光是明媚的人间四月天,是舞在风中的精灵。百花拥有阳光,竞相争艳;万木拥有阳光,争风吃醋,挺拔向上。人拥有阳光,方能不断超越自我,斩断心底萌生的劣根,创造生命的精彩。  拥有勇气的阳光。是金戈铁马,东风浩荡,一泻千里,勇往直前生活随笔 > 随笔400字


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